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Your Guide to Incorporating Mindfulness in Your Daily Lives


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Practice Gratitude: We need to focus on all the good things in our lives and be grateful for it. This prevents us from fretting about the future.

Source: Google

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Check in with Your Body: Bringing your attention to your body can help realign your attention to the present.

Source: Pexels

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Pay Attention to Your Heart: By checking in with your heart where your emotions originate, you come into more coherence with yourself.

Source: Pexels

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Light up Your Five Senses: Stop what you are doing for a moment and observe what is going on around you. 

Source: Google

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Practice the Centering Exercise: It’s a great exercise for leaders, managers, entrepreneurs and busy moms!

Source: Pexels

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Focus on Your Breath: Take five deep belly breaths and focus your attention on your inhale and exhale. Do this repetitively throughout the day. 

Source Pexels

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Observe Your Thoughts: It is a fun exercise to observe your thoughts. Focus and see the results.

Source: Pexels

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Mindful Eating: Research has shown that when we eat with more mindfulness, we digest our food better. 

Source: Pexels

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