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Beautiful Constellations in the Night Sky


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Capricorn: Located in the Southern Hemisphere, Capricornus represents a creature that is a blend of fish and goat; the name means "goat horn" in Latin.

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Aquarius: The constellation describes a large group of stars that ancient Greek astronomers saw as a picture in the night sky.

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Pisces: Pisces, named for the Latin plural of fish, occupies 889 square degrees, making it the 14th largest constellation overall.

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Aries: Aries is an ancient constellation first listed by Ptolemy in the second century. 

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Taurus: Taurus the bull is one of the most well-known and noticeable constellations in the sky over Earth. 

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Gemini: The northern-sky constellation of Gemini is one of the original constellations listed by Ptolemy in the second century, as well as one of the 12 zodiac constellations.

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Cancer: It is associated with a crab that bit the hero Heracles (Hercules) in Greek mythology. 

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Leo: One of the most prominent constellations of the night sky, Leo the Lion is visible from pretty much anywhere on Earth, except for Antarctica.

Source: Google

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