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Famous Comics of All Time


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Sin City by Frank Miller is an acclaimed neo-noir comic that showcases Miller's talent beyond superheroes.

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Preacher, written by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, is a cult-hit that explores supernatural and religious themes in a small Texas town.

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Batman: The Long Halloween, by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, is an influential detective-thriller Batman comic that showcases the superhero's street-level side. 

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V for Vendetta: The main character is the titular V, sporting the classic Guy Fawkes mask, leading an anarchistic revolution against the ruling oppressors .

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The Sandman: The Sandman is celebrated as Gaiman's magnum opus and praised for its ethereal and surreal personifications of metaphysical concepts. 

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The Watchmen: The comic incorporated (for its time) more contemporary elements like the Vietnam War and the Cold War. 

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Youngblood: Youngblood's importance comes despite its age and the incredibly low value the comic has maintained on the back issue market.

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Flash #123: Flash #123 may seem like little more than a gem of the Silver Age, but it started a key idea in comics: the multiverse.

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