Hepatitis B is the first vaccine most babies receive. It is given within 24 hours of birth.
Source: Pexels
Diphtheria: A serious throat infection that can cause breathing problems and heart failure.
Source: Pexels
Tetanus: A deadly bacteria that lives in the soil and is found everywhere on the earth.
Source: Pexels
Pertussis: Also called "whooping cough," it causes violent coughing fits that make it hard to breathe.
Source: Pexels
Polio (IPV) vaccine (4 doses) prevents a disease that causes death and paralysis.
Source: Pexels
Pneumococcal vaccine (4 doses) prevents disease caused by bacteria called Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Source Pexels
Rotavirus (RV) vaccine (2 or 3 doses) stops the main cause of diarrhoea in children.
Source: Pexels
The COVID-19 vaccine is recommended for everyone starting at 6 months of age, with very rare exceptions.
Source: Pexels
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