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Top 8 Pet Cat Breeds


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Devon Rex Cats: With its unique appearance, the breed has captured the attention of cat lovers worldwide—and the hearts of its families with its lovable, quirky and mischievous personality. 

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Abyssinian Cats: Abys, as they are lovingly called, are elegant and regal-looking, easy to care for and make ideal pets for cat lovers.

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Sphynx Cats: The Sphynx, a hairless, wrinkled wonder with big ears and eyes and pronounced cheekbones is one of the newer cat breeds.

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Scottish Fold Cats: Sweet natured and demure, many Scottish fold cats have a feature unlike any other cat: folded ears that give the breed an owl-like appearance. 

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Shorthair Cats: The American shorthair cat has a reputation as “America’s breed”. The first cats of this type were brought over from Europe with early settlers. 

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Maine Coon Cats: One of the oldest natural breeds in North America, Maine Coon cats are known for their intelligence and playfulness, as well as their size. 

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Persian Cats: Known for their gentle, laid-back personalities, sweet faces and round eyes, Persian cats are affectionate, quiet, beautiful creatures of habit, making them the most popular breed among cat fanciers.

Source: Pexels

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British Shorthair: It is believed that the Romans brought the British shorthair to England during the first century, at which time the breed co-existed and bred with wild cats native to England. 

Source: Pexels

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