Hrithik Roshan, who recently celebrated the New Year in Dubai with his girlfriend Saba Azad, has returned to Mumbai. The couple, known for their endearing moments together, were seen landing at Mumbai Airport on Sunday. As they walked, Hrithik lovingly placed his hand on Saba’s shoulder, his eyes reflecting warmth and affection. The sweet interaction was captured by paparazzi, quickly going viral.
Both Hrithik and Saba were dressed casually for their journey, with Hrithik sporting a black t-shirt, matching jacket, and black sneakers, while Saba wore oversized striped attire paired with baggy pants and white sneakers. Their relaxed look reflected their comfortable bond.
Earlier, a picture from their Dubai vacation had also gone viral, showing the couple along with Hrithik’s ex-wife Suzanne Khan and other close friends. The couple has never shied away from expressing their love, and in October, they celebrated their three-year relationship milestone. Hrithik posted a picture with Saba on social media, captioning it, “Happy Anniversary Partner 1.10.2024 Saba Azad.”
On the professional front, Hrithik was last seen in Fighter alongside Deepika Padukone, and fans are eagerly awaiting his role in War 2, which also stars Jr. NTR.