In a highly anticipated move, Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama, the iconic animated film based on the timeless epic by Valmiki, is all set to hit the theaters on January 24, 2025. This release, in celebration of Republic Day, promises to bring Lord Ram’s story to the big screen, offering a captivating cinematic experience for kids and families alike.
Geek Pictures India has announced this exciting update, revealing that the film will return in a spectacular new version. This time, audiences will enjoy it in stunning 4K remaster quality, enhanced audio, and a fresh visual presentation. The film will also be available in multiple languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and its original English version. Fans can look forward to experiencing this masterpiece in a way never seen before, providing a richer connection to the epic tale.
To build the anticipation, Geek Pictures India is set to release the official trailer of Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama on January 10, 2025. The film’s co-founder, Arjun Agarwal, expressed immense pride in presenting the beloved Indian epic, emphasizing its importance as a legacy that has inspired generations. He further added that the collaboration with the best in the industry ensures that the timeless story of Ramayana reaches every corner of India and touches hearts globally, all while celebrating India’s rich culture through the superb artistry of Japanese animation.
Legendary screenwriter V. Vijayendra Prasad, known for his work on blockbusters like Baahubali, Bajrangi Bhaijaan, and RRR, has played a pivotal role in creatively adapting this new version of the film. His vision has ensured that the essence of Ramayana remains intact, while also making it deeply relevant to today’s audience.
With its grand release, Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama is poised to create a new cultural moment, bringing together Indian heritage and the excellence of Japanese animation like never before. This collaboration will reach places where Japanese anime has never been shown before, marking a significant milestone in the global recognition of Indian culture.
So, get ready for an extraordinary journey of love, valor, and dharma, as Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama offers a fresh cinematic adventure for everyone starting January 24, 2025, with distribution by Geek Pictures India, AA Films, and Excel Entertainment.