The much-anticipated trailer of Chidiya Udd has been released, offering a glimpse into the gritty and heart-wrenching world of crime and survival. Set to stream on the OTT platform MX Player from January 15, this thrilling web series brings to light the intense struggles of a young girl who arrives in Mumbai from a small village, only to get trapped in the dark world of prostitution.
Jackie Shroff appears in a menacing role as the villain, making his presence felt with an intimidating performance that’s sure to leave viewers at the edge of their seats. Alongside him, Bhoomika Meena takes the lead role, portraying a young woman fighting to escape the clutches of a life she never imagined. Supporting roles by Sikander Kher, Madhumita, Mayur Gore, and Meeta Vashisht further elevate the intensity of the series.
Directed by Ravi Yadav, Chidiya Udd is based on the novel Keg by Abid Surti and features a screenplay by Mahendra Pratap Singh and Chintan Gandhi. The series will delve deep into the dangerous underworld of Mumbai, exploring the harsh realities faced by a girl struggling to break free from the vicious cycle of crime and exploitation. Will she succeed, or will she be swallowed by the underworld? The trailer raises all these questions, and viewers are eagerly awaiting the full story.
The gripping narrative and stellar performances are set to captivate audiences when the series drops this January.