South Superstar Nandamuri Balakrishna Under Fire: Nandamuri Balakrishna, a celebrated figure in South Indian cinema, has found himself in the eye of a social media storm. A video capturing the actor’s questionable behavior towards Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela has gone viral, sparking outrage among netizens.
The incident occurred during an event where the two stars were seated together. In the clip, Balakrishna can be seen repeatedly holding Urvashi’s hand and leaning in to whisper something. Despite the apparent discomfort, Urvashi maintained her composure, smiling politely. However, viewers were quick to call out the 64-year-old actor for his actions, considering Urvashi is just 30 years old.
Previous Controversies Surrounding Urvashi Rautela
Urvashi Rautela is no stranger to controversies. Recently, her dance in the song “Dabidi Dibidi” from the film Dakoo Maharaj drew flak online, with many criticizing her moves as inappropriate. Furthermore, her on-screen pairing with Balakrishna was trolled, with some likening their chemistry to that of a “grandfather and granddaughter.”
Social Media Outrage
Comments on the viral video have been overwhelmingly critical. While some labeled Balakrishna as “disrespectful” and “creepy,” others expressed disappointment over his disregard for boundaries. Several users called for accountability, emphasizing the importance of respecting women, regardless of age or status.
One user commented, “Shameful behavior! A man of his stature should know better.” Another wrote, “Urvashi handled it with grace, but this shouldn’t be normalized.”