In a significant legal development, renowned filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has been sentenced to three months in jail by a Mumbai Magistrate Court in a cheque bounce case. The case, filed in 2018 by the producer of the movie Shree, falls under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act.
The court’s decision came after Varma failed to attend the hearing, prompting the issuance of a non-bailable warrant. Alongside the jail term, the court has ordered him to compensate Rs. 3.72 lakh to the complainant.
This setback comes at a time when Varma was celebrating the re-release of his iconic film Satya. Known for his bold and often controversial statements, the filmmaker now finds himself in the spotlight for legal troubles rather than cinematic achievements.
Financial Struggles and Legal Battle
Varma has faced financial difficulties in recent years due to a string of unsuccessful films. In 2022, he secured bail in the case after depositing a cash security of Rs. 5,000. However, his continued absence from court proceedings led to the current judgment.
Reports suggest the case originated when a cheque issued by Varma bounced due to insufficient funds. Under the Negotiable Instruments Act, this act constitutes a punishable offense.
What Lies Ahead
While the legal troubles mount, the court’s ruling emphasizes the importance of adhering to financial obligations. For Varma, this marks yet another challenge in a career marked by highs and lows.