Bollywood actor Rajpal Yadav, celebrated for his impeccable comic timing, is grappling with a heartbreaking loss. The actor’s father passed away at AIIMS Hospital in Delhi after battling prolonged illness.
Rushed Back from Thailand Amidst Father’s Health Crisis
Rajpal Yadav, who had traveled to Thailand on January 23 for professional commitments, had to cut short his trip upon receiving news of his father’s deteriorating health. He returned to Delhi early on January 24 but, unfortunately, could not witness an improvement in his father’s condition.
Final Rites in Shahjahanpur
Sources reveal that Rajpal Yadav’s father’s last rites will be performed in their hometown, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
Amidst Grief, Actor Faces Threats
This tragedy comes just days after Rajpal Yadav, along with celebrities Kapil Sharma, Remo D’Souza, and Sugandha Mishra, received death threats via an email allegedly linked to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. The email, originating from Pakistan, has raised security concerns.