Bollywood actor Abhishek Banerjee, best known for his roles in Stree and Bhediya, has addressed a major confusion surrounding his involvement in the writing of Paatal Lok Season 2. Recently, reports and social media posts credited him as the co-writer of the much-anticipated web series. However, the actor has now come forward to clear the air, stating that this information is incorrect.
Taking to social media, Banerjee clarified that he has no role in the writing process of Paatal Lok 2 and that people are mistakenly giving him credit instead of the actual writer, who shares the same name. He urged his fans and the media to verify facts before spreading misinformation.
This is not the first time Bollywood celebrities have faced such mistaken identity issues. Abhishek Banerjee’s clarification highlights the importance of accurate reporting in the entertainment industry. Meanwhile, fans eagerly await the second season of Paatal Lok, which gained immense popularity after its debut.