Veteran actor Mukesh Khanna, best known for his role as Shaktimaan, has made a surprising revelation about Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar. In a recent interview, Mukesh Khanna disclosed that Akshay Kumar turned down his offer to star in a film, a decision that Khanna believes reflects Akshay’s new approach to selecting projects.
Khanna remarked that Akshay Kumar has become more “choosy” compared to his earlier days when he would accept any challenging role. He added that Akshay’s growing selectiveness could stem from the recent flops in his career, urging him to return to his roots as an action hero.
During an interview with Siddharth Kannan, Mukesh Khanna advised Akshay to focus on roles that resonate with his “action hero” image. He highlighted how Kumar’s decline began post-pandemic, with several underperforming films, including the 2024 releases, where three out of four movies failed to make a mark.
Khanna didn’t shy away from addressing Akshay’s performance in Samrat Prithviraj, calling it a misstep. According to him, the Khiladi star needs to embrace roles that showcase his fighter persona, which fans associate with his image.
While recounting his recent conversation with Akshay Kumar, Mukesh Khanna revealed, “I offered him a role in my film, but he refused. Akshay wasn’t like this before—he would accept any project and take on any challenge. But now, he has become very selective.”
Mukesh Khanna is known for his candid opinions and has previously criticized celebrities like Ranveer Singh and Sonakshi Sinha. His comments on Akshay Kumar have now fueled further debate about the superstar’s career choices and his efforts to reclaim his box office dominance.