Former Bollywood actress Mamta Kulkarni, who once mesmerized audiences with her on-screen presence, has taken a spiritual turn by becoming the Mahamandaleshwar of the Kinnar Akhada. This monumental transformation was unveiled by noted transgender rights activist and Akhada chief, Laxmi Narayan Tripathi.
Mamta, now a part of this prestigious spiritual organization, performed her ‘Pind Daan’ (ritual offering for the departed) during the Mahakumbh 2025. This act symbolizes her detachment from her previous worldly identity and acceptance of her new role.
In an official statement, Laxmi Narayan Tripathi shared the significance of this event, emphasizing the importance of inclusivity in spirituality and the empowerment of marginalized communities.
Mamta Kulkarni’s spiritual journey marks a noteworthy chapter, inspiring many and promoting acceptance in society.
#WATCH | Mamta Kulkarni says, "…This was the order of Mahadev, Maha Kaali. This was the order of my Guru. They chose this day. I didn't do anything."
— ANI (@ANI) January 24, 2025