Bollywood’s renowned filmmaker, Rakesh Roshan, recently opened up about the divorce between his son Hrithik Roshan and his ex-wife Sussanne Khan. This marks the first time Rakesh has publicly discussed the split that shook the industry. What exactly led to the divorce, and what did Rakesh have to say? Let’s delve into the details.
Rakesh Roshan’s Take on the Divorce
Rakesh shared that while Hrithik and Sussanne deeply loved each other, misunderstandings eventually led to the breakdown of their relationship. However, he emphasized that Sussanne is still a vital part of the Roshan family and will always be considered so. In a candid interview with Yuva YouTube channel, Rakesh reflected on his life, offering his thoughts on various topics, including his family’s journey.
A Quick Recap: Hrithik and Sussanne’s Relationship Timeline
Hrithik and Sussanne married in 2000, the same year Hrithik made his Bollywood debut. Despite their strong bond in the early years, their differences grew over time, leading to their divorce in November 2014 after 14 years of marriage. However, they have remained friends for the sake of their two children, Hrehaan and Hridaan, co-parenting them with love and respect.
Sussanne and Arjun Goni’s Relationship
Currently, Sussanne is in a relationship with Arjun Goni, while Hrithik is dating Saba Azad. It’s interesting to note that both ex-spouses and their current partners share a strong friendship and often spend time together.
The Real Reason Behind the Divorce
When asked about the reason behind the divorce, Rakesh Roshan responded that it was a matter between the couple, highlighting that Sussanne will always be a part of their family. He noted that she has often visited the Roshan home, creating memories with them.
Rakesh’s Relationship with His Children
Rakesh also spoke about his relationship with his children, revealing that Hrithik and his daughter Sunaina were initially not very open with him. However, over time, they’ve become good friends. Rakesh attributed this to his disciplined nature, which may have initially created a barrier, but things have since improved.
Family Documentary: The Roshans
Recently, a documentary titled The Roshans was released, chronicling the Roshan family’s cinematic journey and struggles. Featuring Rakesh’s father, Roshan Lal Nagrath, his brother Rajesh Roshan, and his son Hrithik, the documentary showcases their significant contributions to the world of cinema.