The Kapoor family recently came together to celebrate Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary. While the event was meant to be a joyous occasion, several viral clips from the gathering created unexpected controversy. Ranbir Kapoor, in particular, was trolled for allegedly ignoring his wife, Alia Bhatt, multiple times during the event. However, Alia’s reaction to this incident has now silenced many critics.
Alia Bhatt’s Subtle Yet Powerful Reaction
Ranbir Kapoor faced massive backlash on social media, with netizens accusing him of ignoring Alia Bhatt. The situation escalated to a point where the actor was targeted for being disrespectful towards his wife. Amid the trolling, Alia Bhatt’s subtle reaction has caught everyone’s attention.
While Alia chose not to make a direct statement, she liked a user’s comment that defended Ranbir. The comment read:
“Ranbir’s side of the story hasn’t been shown on social media. They simply picked a 2-second clip out of context and used it for negative PR. This just shows how easily people can be manipulated.”
Alia’s gesture of liking the comment spoke volumes and hinted at her support for her husband. Without saying a word, her action clarified that the allegations against Ranbir were far from the truth.
Nitu Kapoor Also Dragged Into the Controversy
Interestingly, the controversy did not stop with Ranbir Kapoor. Ranbir’s mother, veteran actress Neetu Kapoor, also faced criticism. Some users alleged that Neetu Kapoor, too, ignored Alia Bhatt during the event.
The video sparked mixed reactions online, with some people speculating about tensions within the Kapoor family. However, Alia’s recent social media activity suggests that the rumors are exaggerated, and things are far more cordial than they appear.
The Viral Reaction
The post liked by Alia Bhatt has gone viral, with fans praising her calm and mature way of handling the situation. Instead of getting involved in the negativity, her subtle move turned the narrative in Ranbir’s favor.