Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor’s upcoming film ‘Stree 2’ is set to release in theaters on August 15. The film has created quite a buzz, and Shraddha is busy with its promotion. Amidst this, significant news has surfaced about Shraddha’s personal life. It is being reported that Shraddha Kapoor and her alleged boyfriend Rahul Mody have broken up. According to reports, Shraddha has unfollowed Rahul on Instagram, leading to speculation about their breakup.
News of Shraddha Kapoor and Rahul Mody’s Breakup
Reports in the entertainment industry indicate that Shraddha Kapoor has ended her relationship with her alleged boyfriend Rahul Mody. This speculation arises from the fact that Shraddha has unfollowed Rahul on Instagram. She has even unfollowed Rahul’s sister, his production house, and his dog’s account. However, Rahul has not unfollowed Shraddha on Instagram. This has led to widespread speculation about their breakup, with people commenting on their relationship status.
Shraddha Kapoor’s Upcoming Film
It is said that Shraddha Kapoor and Rahul Mody grew close on the sets of the film ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar’. However, neither Shraddha nor Rahul has made any public statements about their relationship or breakup. On the work front, Shraddha Kapoor will be seen in the film ‘Stree 2’. The film is set to clash at the box office with ‘Khel Khel Mein’ and ‘Veda’ on August 15.