Sonam Kapoor Finally Shares a Glimpse of Son Vayu: Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor, who has been away from films since her wedding, often delights her fans with glimpses of her personal life. Recently, she made headlines by sharing the first-ever glimpse of her son, Vayu, in a video that has taken the internet by storm.
The Viral Video
The video shows Sonam Kapoor relaxing in a car with her son Vayu. Although she hasn’t fully revealed his face, the brief glimpse of the little one resting with his hands near his face has left fans excited. This marks the first time Sonam has given such a sneak peek of her son, making it a special moment for her admirers.
Fan Reactions
Fans flooded the comments section with love and admiration. One fan wrote, “So adorable!” while another commented, “He’s such a cutie!” Many expressed their excitement, calling the video heartwarming and special. Despite the overwhelming response, Sonam Kapoor has remained silent about the fans’ reactions.
Sonam’s Happy Life Post-Marriage
Sonam Kapoor has been enjoying her personal life with husband Anand Ahuja. While she has stepped away from the limelight, her occasional updates on social media continue to win hearts.
This heartwarming video of Sonam and Vayu is a testament to the actress’s happy and fulfilling family life. Fans are now eagerly waiting for more glimpses of the little one!