Akshara Singh, a popular Bhojpuri actress, recently encountered an incident at her live show that garnered significant attention. During her performance at the ongoing Siddharthnagar festival at BSC Ground in Siddharthnagar district, the atmosphere turned chaotic as the crowd became uncontrollable.
Reports indicate that individuals began making noise and damaging property, leading to law enforcement intervention.
To restore order, the police had to resort to using batons to disperse the unruly crowd. Videos capturing the commotion have since circulated widely on various media platforms, drawing attention to the incident. Despite the disruption, Akshara Singh continued her performance amidst the chaos.
Bhojpuri actress Akshara Singh's show big uproar
— Digital Gabbar Hindi (@digitalgabbarhi) February 2, 2024
At the Siddharthnagar festival, the police rained fiercely poles, the video went viral on social media.#SiddharthnagarMahotsav #AksharaSingh #CulturalFestival #BhojpuriStar #Bihar pic.twitter.com/7QVVn0bOWW
It’s important to note that such incidents are not uncommon at large public events, and organizers and authorities work diligently to ensure the safety and security of attendees.
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