Actor Vijay Varma, known for his intense and transformative performances, has received widespread acclaim for his role in the Netflix series “IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack.” The actor, who portrays Captain Devi Sharan in the six-episode drama, revealed that the most meaningful compliment he received came directly from Captain Sharan himself, the real-life pilot whose courage and composure under pressure are central to the gripping retelling of the 1999 hijacking incident.
Speaking at a press event in Mumbai on Tuesday, Varma reflected on the unique challenges of playing a character based on a living person, especially one as revered as Captain Sharan. “Stories come to you at a certain point when you are ready to do them, or sometimes stories get you ready for something. These things are so invisible. It is too philosophical to make sense of it,” he said, emphasizing the deep, almost spiritual connection he felt with the role.
The series dramatizes the harrowing week-long ordeal of the IC 814 Indian Airlines flight, which was hijacked by terrorists in December 1999. Captain Sharan, who was the head pilot during the crisis, became a symbol of resilience as he navigated the life-and-death situation with extraordinary calm.
Varma noted that his portrayal was not about mimicry but capturing the essence of Captain Sharan’s leadership and bravery. “We were not imitating anyone,” he said, underlining the creative approach taken by the show’s team. Instead of focusing solely on physical resemblance or mannerisms, Varma delved into understanding the emotional and psychological weight carried by Captain Sharan during those tense moments.
The actor’s nuanced performance has been lauded not only by audiences but also by those directly connected to the real-life events, with Captain Sharan’s approval serving as the highest praise. The show has also sparked renewed interest in the hijacking incident, a dark chapter in India’s aviation history, while honoring the unsung heroes who played pivotal roles in ensuring the safe return of the passengers.
“IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack” is now streaming on Netflix, offering viewers a chance to witness one of India’s most dramatic rescue operations, brought to life by an exceptional cast led by Vijay Varma.