Mamta Kulkarni, one of Bollywood’s leading actresses of the 90s, has made headlines again after her return to India. For years, fans have speculated about her sudden disappearance and why she left Bollywood at the peak of her career. Now, Mamta Kulkarni herself has revealed the real reason behind her decision to leave India and step away from the limelight.
In a recent interview with Navbharat Times, Mamta clarified that her departure had nothing to do with the drug allegations involving Vicky Goswami. Instead, it was her growing spiritual interests that led her on a different path.
Mamta’s Spiritual Journey
Mamta Kulkarni shared that in 1996, she met Guru Gagangiri Maharaj, and this encounter changed her life. “After meeting my Guru, I developed a deep interest in spirituality. Bollywood gave me fame, but I felt a strong urge to move towards devotion. I dedicated myself to meditation from 2000 to 2012,” Mamta said.
During this time, Mamta lived in Dubai in a two-bedroom apartment, strictly adhering to a life of celibacy. “I lived without onions or garlic for 12 years. My entire focus was on my spiritual journey,” she added.
Connection with Vicky Goswami
Mamta Kulkarni also opened up about her connection with Vicky Goswami, the alleged drug lord. She revealed that they met in 1996, but Vicky was arrested in 1997 and spent 12 years in prison. “During those years, I only met him once. My focus remained on spirituality,” Mamta explained.
When asked if she had married Vicky Goswami, Mamta firmly denied it. “I never married him. I practiced celibacy for 12 years while he was in jail. However, I did share some time with him, and I will always have love for him,” Mamta said.
Mamta Kulkarni’s Spiritual Awakening
Mamta’s spiritual journey also took her to the 2012 Kumbh Mela for a sacred bath. Reflecting on her life choices, she stated that her love for spirituality ultimately distanced her from everything else, including her connections with Vicky Goswami.