Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda Wedding: Bollywood actor Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda got married. The couple got married after dating for a long time. On March 15, 2024, both of them took seven rounds in Gurugram, during which family and close friends were present. The actress has shared four pictures of the wedding on social media, showing a glimpse of the wedding to the fans, and everyone is congratulating her.
Finally, they are married. This is Pulkit’s second marriage. First, he married Rakhi, Salman Khan’s sister. But later, they got divorced. While sharing the pictures, Kriti has written a lovely caption, ‘From the deep blue sky to the morning dew, from every sorrow to happiness, from ups to downs, there is only you. From the beginning to the end, from now till then, as long as my heart beats, I will find you only. Always. Just be you.’
Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda Love Story
The love story between Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda started when they met on the sets of ‘Pagalpanti‘. It was from there that their love blossomed, and the bond became stronger. The actor’s first marriage was to Shweta Rohira and ended after 11 months due to different reasons. Some cite an actress as responsible, while others mention the rift and allegations between the two.
Now, the actor is making a new beginning. He has got married, with him wearing a green sherwani and Kriti wearing a pink lehenga.
Pulkit and Kriti Wedding Photo
The actress has shared four pictures, in which both of them are seen holding hands. In some, they are holding each other in their arms, and the actress is seen kissing the groom’s forehead. Additionally, a photo shows the actor placing a Mangalsutra around Kriti’s neck. After marriage, Kriti’s Maang is adorned beautifully with vermilion.
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