Months Name in Hindi– Names of 12 Months According to Hindu Calendar

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Months Name in Hindi

Hindi months name, which people forget as compared to English months names, so today we will tell you about the Hindi months names of India so that you can easily know the names of 12 months in Hindi. Hindi Months Name and English Months Name are of the following types.

12 Months Name in Hindi

Months Name in Hindi– According to Hindu calendar {Hindu calendar}
Having a Hindi month name shows that Indian culture is the oldest culture. Every Hindi month in India has a different identity.

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1. चैत्र { मार्च-अप्रैल }

2. वैशाख {अप्रैल -मई }

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3. ज्येष्ठ { मई -जून }

4. आषाढ़ { जून-जुलाई }

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5. श्रावण { जुलाई-अगस्त }

6. भाद्रपद { अगस्त-सितम्बर }

7. आश्विन { सितम्बर-अक्टूबर }

8. कार्तिक { अक्टूबर-नवम्बर }

9. मार्गशीर्ष { नवम्बर-दिसम्बर }

10.पौष { दिसम्बर-जनवरी }

11. माघ { जनवरी-फरवरी }

12. फाल्गुन { फरवरी-मार्च }

The 12 Months– English

According to the Greek calendar, 12 months are of this type – {The 12 Months English}

January – 31 days

February – 28 days  – लीप वर्ष – 29 days

March – 31 days

April – 30 days

May – 31 days

June – 30 days

July – 31 days

August – 31 days

September – 30 days

October – 31 days

November – 30 days

December – 31 days

Today we have talked about Months Name in Hindi and English. I hope you liked this article. If you like the article please feel free to share it.

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