Have you ever seen dogs chase humans? Quite a common thing, isn’t it? There would be very few people who would not have been chased by dogs at some point in their lives while walking on the streets or on the road. When a dog or a group of dogs suddenly starts running, most people get confused. They do not understand what to do in such a situation. Because of fear people start running fast. Still, the dogs do not leave them. Let us know what is the reason behind dogs becoming so aggressive and attacking and how to protect yourself in such a situation.
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Dogs Chase Humans Because of Their Diet?
According to animal experts, most of the cases of chasing and then biting people on foot are related to fighting for their territory and their own safety. Imbalance in their diet is also responsible for this. Veterinarian Dr. Ajay Sood said that every dog keeps its own territory. On the other hand, the human population is increasing rapidly and on the other hand, the number of dogs is also increasing. In such a situation, the area of dogs is decreasing. In such a situation, when it is difficult for the dogs to protect the area, they start feeling insecure. Then they become aggressive.
According to Dr. Sood, whenever dogs feel that humans are entering their area, they become aggressive and start chasing people and even biting them. Apart from this, sometimes dogs start considering scaring as a game. According to the BBC report, Dr. Sood says that when dogs chase a person and he gets scared, then they start seeing chasing people as a game. During this time, sometimes dogs also bite people. However, most of the time, if a human stops suddenly while running, the dogs retreat.
Types of Rabies
There are two types of rabies. First, in dumb rabies, the nerves of the dog’s body begin to loosen. In such a situation, they remain lying in a corner. Then they become paralyzed and die within four days. Whereas, in the second furious form of rabies, it takes 10 days for the dog to die. During this time they become aggressive. Dr. Sood says that in this type of rabies, the dog becomes aggressive. He is unable to swallow saliva and his saliva keeps dripping. The nerves in his neck start becoming paralyzed. In such a situation, he gets upset and starts biting people.
When suddenly a dog starts chasing people, they get confused due to fear. They don’t understand what to do now. According to animal experts, if you are aware then you can protect yourself from dog bites. There are many ways to reach home safely while avoiding dog bites on the road. If you are afraid first, you will be in trouble. Animal experts say that dogs are smarter than humans in this matter. They immediately understand that the person whom they are chasing is scared of them. If you get scared and try to run away, they chase you even more.
Experts say that one should not be afraid at all when a dog runs. Instead, if the dog chases you, then gather courage, turn back, and shout at the aggressive dog to scare it away. When you do this, many dogs run away with their tails down. You must have noticed that when you pick up a piece of stone, brick, or stick lying nearby and show it to the dog to kill, then they themselves get scared and run away.
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Now suppose you are walking slowly on the road or street and a dog moves towards you barking, then stops suddenly. Without being afraid or suppressing your fear, stand at one place facing him. In such a situation there will be two benefits. First, you will be aware of every move of the dog and second, you can succeed in scaring the dog away. At the same time, slow down your walking speed even after the dog barks or runs towards you. Even more than this, many dogs do not attack.
If you stop and turn towards the dog when it runs, do not look directly into its eyes. Some dogs become aggressive if they do this. Due to this, they may be very scared of you. If they get too scared, they may become aggressive and attack you to defend themselves. Therefore, do not pay too much attention to the dog and move forward slowly. Trying to distract the dog with something lying around is beneficial. With this, the dog can stop chasing you.
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