Yoga for a Healthy Life: 6 Asanas to Get You Started

Maitri Singh
By Maitri Singh - Associate Editor 20 Views
7 Min Read
yoga for a healthy life
yoga for a healthy life

Yoga for a Healthy Life: Yoga is an essential skill that people from all walks of life must adapt to in their lifestyle. You need to learn yoga for a healthy life and practice it every day to stay disease-free. In this article, we are going to delve into the basic definition of yoga and introduce you to some basic asanas that can be performed easily by beginners as well.

Yoga for a Healthy Life: What is Yoga?

Yoga for a Healthy Life: With its origins in Indian philosophy, yoga is a millennium-old spiritual and physical practice, according to the National Institutes of Health’s National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health. Yoga comes in a variety of forms, from mild, meditative practices to more strenuous physical versions. Usually, the mind-body workout comprises deep breathing exercises paired with physical position sequences.

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Yoga for a Healthy Life: Yoga Poses for Beginners

1. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Yoga for a healthy life: Child's pose
Child’s Pose, Source: Pexels

In a class, this basic pose can be a terrific way to unwind and refresh. During your flow, you can always return to a child’s pose if you need a moment to gather yourself.

How To:

  • Bring your big toes together while kneeling on the ground. Stretch your knees apart while sitting on your heels.
  • Breathe out as you bend forward and place your body between your legs.
  • For an Extended Child’s pose, place your hands out in front of your mat or rest your arms along your thighs.

2. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Downward Facing Dog
Downward Facing Dog, Source: Pexels

Given its importance in many yoga practices, the downward-facing dog might be one of the first poses you learn in any yoga session. You can practice this stance repeatedly during class, and it’s one of the primary poses in sun salutations.

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How to:

  • Start on all fours, placing your wrists beneath your shoulders and your knees parallel to your hips.
  • As you press down with your hands, spread your palms and fingers out onto the mat.
  • Gently lift your knees off the floor, curl your toes beneath, and release the breath.
  • Pay attention to raising your pelvis towards the ceiling and stretching your tailbone. As much as possible, bend your knees without fully locking them out. Return your shoulders to your hips in this manner.

3. Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

Yoga for a Healthy Life: 6 Asanas to Get You Started 1
Low Lunge, Source: Pexels

This is another one of Rayburn’s favorite poses; it’s excellent for opening up the chest and lengthening the lower body.

How to:

  • Start with the downward-facing dog. Breathe out as you step forward with your right foot between your hands, keeping your right knee over your right heel.
  • Once you feel a light stretch in the front of your left thigh, lower your left knee to the mat and glide your left leg back.
  • Breathe in as you raise your chest and sweep your arms out to the sides. Reach your fingers up towards the ceiling and draw your tailbone down to the ground. Don’t forget to repeat on the other side.

4. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

As a counterbalance to prolonged sitting, backbends, like the one seen in sun salutations, are an excellent way to improve posture.

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How to:

  • Start by lying flat on your face on the mat, placing your palms flat against your shoulders.
  • Breathe in while raising your head and chest off the ground and extending your shoulders downward. Keep your elbows close to your sides and slightly bent.

5. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

This strong stance works wonders for building strength in the arms, legs, and core.

How to:

  • Take a tall stance, extend your arms straight overhead, and inhale. Your hands should be facing inward, and your biceps should be slightly in front of your ears.
  • As you release the breath, bend your knees so that your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • For a duration of 30 to 60 seconds, maintain the position.

6. Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)

Strength and balance are increased in this empowering stance. If you find it difficult to extend your fingertips to the floor, you might want to use a yoga block.

How to:

  • Start by placing your feet roughly four feet apart and stand tall. Angle the right foot in slightly and turn the left foot out ninety-one degrees. Put your arms in a “T” shape with your palms down.
  • To get your left thigh parallel to the floor, bend your left knee. With your left arm extended towards the floor and your left fingertips resting on the ground or a block, pivot at the hips.
  • With your palm facing down, raise your right arm over your right ear and tilt your chest in the direction of that raised arm. After maintaining the stance for a duration of 30 to 60 seconds, switch to the other side.

Yoga for a Healthy Life: Summary

Yoga for a Healthy Life: If you’re a beginner at yoga, then it is always advisable to take it slow in the beginning. Start from these basic asanas to kick-start your yoga practice. Yoga for a healthy life is a mantra that everyone should follow to lead a better life. If you liked reading this article, then you might also like reading Exploring the Advantages of Having a Pet: A Life-changing Decision.

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