Bollywood’s beloved couple, Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover, are currently vacationing on a beautiful beach and setting major relationship goals with their romantic moments. Bipasha, dressed in a stunning black monokini, turned heads with her timeless beauty, while Karan complemented her perfectly in a casual beach look.
The actress shared several pictures on Instagram, including one where the couple shared a passionate kiss by the seaside. Fans couldn’t stop gushing over the couple’s chemistry and the dreamy backdrop.
Adding a sweet twist to the romantic album was their adorable daughter, Devi, who also made an appearance in the pictures. One photo shows the couple lovingly holding their daughter, creating the perfect family portrait.
Bipasha and Karan’s love story has always been admired by fans, and these recent pictures only reinforce their beautiful bond. The couple’s vacation posts are now trending on social media, receiving widespread attention and love from fans.