History of Valentine’s Day: A Tale of Love and Sacrifice

Shehzeen Ahmad
By Shehzeen Ahmad - Associate Editor 21 Views
3 Min Read
history of valentine's day 2024

The history of Valentine’s Day dates long back to the Middle Ages. However, its romantic origin came from one of the oldest poets ever recognized. Every year on February 14th, people from all over the world celebrate Valentine’s Day with the love of their lives. This article is about how Valentine’s Day started and why people celebrate it, so let’s dive right into the history of Valentine’s Day!

History of Valentine’s Day

History of valentine's day 2024
History of Valentine's Day: A Tale of Love and Sacrifice

February has always been called the month of romance. However, the reason behind it is the mating of fowls in this season. To simplify that, it’s the season when birds choose their life partners and start a family with each other. Back in the Middle Ages, Christians celebrated February 15th as the fertility festival, namely LupercaliaDespite the subtle intention, the festival was later banned due to the ceremonies involved. Valentine’s Day was designated the 14th day of February, as is believed, to associate love and fostering with fertility and to make the people believe that with love comes fertility.

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So, How Did It All Start?

History of Valentine's day

History of Valentine’s Day: In the 3rd century, during the rule of King Claudius II in Rome, it was suggested that single men made better soldiers than married and family men. This observation led King Claudius II to announce an odd decision of not allowing young men to marry. Young lovers were struggling to live the life they deserved; their love was the first to be sacrificed in the war.

And in such a tough time came a Catholic priest, Saint Valentine, who decided to secretly tie knots of the young lovers despite the strict laws that could even cost him his life. He would wear a ring with a “cupid” charm as a token of identification for these secret lovers. Later on, he was found and beheaded, yet his generosity spread wide across borders.

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At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius declared February 14 as St. Valentine’s Day.

Many other stories and legends comprise alternative stories, but the above-mentioned tale is the most renowned and believed.

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Poetic History of Valentine’s Day

history of Valentine's Day

The renowned poet of the Middle Ages, Geoffrey Chaucer, used the word “Valentine” in association with love in his 1375 poem. This poem is titled The Parliament of Fowls,

“For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne’s day / Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate.”

Geoffrey Chaucer, The Parliament of Fowls

Another historical moment to be noted here was when King Henry V hired John Lydgate, Chaucer’s most prolific admirer, to write a Valentine’s Day note to impress Catherine of Valois.

ALSO READ: Best movies to watch on Valentine’s Day

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