How To Stop Comparing Yourself to Others | 5 Positive Tips

By Shehzeen Ahmad - Associate Editor 19 Views
3 Min Read
How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others: It’s tiring to constantly compare yourself with others. As if no matter how hard you try, there’s someone naturally better than you. But have you come to the point where it’s getting more difficult every day not to compare yourself with everyone around you?

The best way to stop comparing yourself to others is by turning this comparison into a positive aspect called inspiration. Get inspired by those who are doing better than you while also keeping an eye on the people you’re better than. This will motivate you and prevent you from becoming boastful at the same time. Here are five good ways you can stop comparing yourself to others.

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others?

Before moving on, watch this inspirational video of Jordan Peterson on the thought of comparison.

1. Observe

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others: There is always going to be someone who’s doing better than every other person. You don’t have to compete with them. However, you can always try to observe how someone better than you works.

Also, observe yourself. Everyone has the qualities and skills they excel in. Notice your skills and improvise them to feel good about yourself

2. Pay Attention to the Appreciation You Receive

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others: Some people see how hardworking and dedicated you are! Don’t let negative vibes overtake the positivity around you. Pay attention to the people who see your potential and their words of appreciation.

3. Don’t Seek External Validations

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others: Practice positive self-talk. Validate your feelings and transform your anxiety into motivation to do better. No one knows your struggle and efforts better than you. Therefore, do not rely on external validations like words of affirmation from someone else. Talk nicely to yourself; don’t be harsh on yourself.

4. Work on Your Skills

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others: Once you start observing your skills and expertise, you can always start working on the skills you can and must improve. It can be a slow process, but you must not give up. You can do it!

5. Practice Contentment

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others: Feel content with yourself by reminding yourself that others’ success is not taken away from you. Your success awaits your positive mindset and constant efforts.

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