Top 10 Valentine’s Day Around The World

Shehzeen Ahmad
By Shehzeen Ahmad - Associate Editor 20 Views
7 Min Read
Valentine's Day Around The World

Valentine’s Day Around The World: Valentine’s Day originates from Christianity. However, like many other traditions, this day is also adapted and celebrated worldwide among people of all religions.

The History of Valentine’s Day dates back to the third century when a priest named Saint Valentine started helping young lovers get married secretly, as it wasn’t permissible by the then king of Rome, King Claudius II.

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Valentine’s Day Around The World

Valentine’s Day Around The World: Like an epic, the purpose of Valentine’s Day evolved with generations and borders. Some rituals were added, and some were deducted. And that’s how today, the “day of love”, is celebrated in slightly different ways across the globe.

Here are the top 10 Valentine’s Day Celebration Around The World:

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1. Japan

Valentine's Day Around The World

Japanese people ditched the tradition of roses and materialistic gift-giving. On February 14th, girls gift chocolates to boys/men that they like. It doesn’t have to be only the romantic interest but also the boys, whom they consider as good friends. However, to express romantic interest, a girl gives either handmade or fancier chocolates to the boy.

Next comes the day to return gifts. After a month, on March 14th, boys gift girls of their liking as many gifts as they can. This sends the message to everyone that a man should always give more effort and love to his woman.

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2. Italy

Valentine's Day Around The World

In the past, Valentine’s Day was observed as a Spring Festival in Italy. Together, they will enjoy the arrival of spring by going outside, taking walks in parks, relaxing beneath trees or in lovely gardens, and conversing or listening to music.

These days, Perugina makes little chocolate-covered hazelnut chocolates with a luscious cherry liquid filling that modern Italian couples may give to one another. Romantic poetry is printed on the inside wrapper of Perugina Baci sweets.

Another custom that Italian couples adhere to is padlocking their love to a railing or bridge and discarding the key.

Valentine’s Day is celebrated for four days in Verona, Italy, also known as the city of Romeo and Juliet. The city is decorated with heart-shaped lanterns, and there are free performances held in the Piazza dei Signori.

3. Spain

Valentine's Day Around The World

Valentine’s Day Around The World: In Spain, Valentine’s Day is celebrated as usual, with flowers and love letters. However, in Catalonia, Valentine’s Day is observed on April 23rd. Dating back to 1094, Catalonia celebrates St. George’s Day. Many book fairs and other events are dated on April 23rd as well as February 14th. And so, men gift roses to women while women gift men books.

According to legend, Sant Jordi slew a dragon to save a princess from its clutches, and a rose sprouted from its blood.

4. Denmark

Valentine's Day Around The World

Valentine’s Day Around The World: In Denmark, “gaekkebrev,” which translates to “joke letter” is a unique tradition of Valentine’s Day. Men offer women joke letters, which are often written in the form of a poem on a special paper.

The males don’t sign their names at the end, so they use dots instead, with one dot representing each letter of their name. Traditionally, if a woman correctly identifies the sender of a letter, he is expected to gift her an Easter egg that year.

5. Wales

Valentine's Day Around The World

Valentine’s Day Around The World: Wales celebrates Valentine’s Day on January 25 each year in the most unique manner. It is also called the Day of San Dwynwen. Coming from ancient sailors, men gift women handcrafted wooden spoons as a token of love.

6. Portugal

Valentine's Day Around The World

Ditching the regular amenities, Portugal has its way of celebrating love. Women in Portugal embroider a piece of cloth, like a handkerchief or scarf. They go out wearing or carrying the embroidered cloth and either offer or “accidentally” drop it in front of the man they love. If the man accepts her love, he wears the cloth publically to announce their love.

As for the men, they craft a red clay vessel and offer it to the woman they love. If the vessel is accepted by the girl and her family, the bride-to-be will use it to save money to afford a gold cord that they’ll carry on their wedding day.

7. South Korea

Valentine's Day Around The World

Valentine’s Day Around The World: South Korea celebrates Valentine’s Day much like Japan. But they have a day for singles, too. This day is called Black Day, not to denote any sadness but because on this day, single people come together and eat a black bean-paste sauce on noodles, jjajangmyeon, which is black.

8. Romania

Valentine's Day Around The World

Valentine’s Day Around The World: Romian tradition for Valentine’s Day, or Dragobete(February 24th), is to go out and collect colourful flowers from the forest for their love interests. Existing couples wash their faces with ice as a belief of good luck.

9. Czech Republic

Valentine's Day Around The World

Valentine’s Day Around The World: In the Czech Republic, the festival of love is celebrated on May 1st every year. On this day, young lovers make a visit to the poet Karol Hynek Macha’s memorial and kiss beneath the cherry trees for good luck.

10. Taiwan

Valentine's day around the world

Valentine’s Day Around The World: Taiwan celebrates Valentine’s Day twice: first on February 14th and again on July 7th. This gorgeous garden island is all about offering flowers, with varied colours and quantities representing different meanings. Men offer red roses to their love interests, in particular, as it carries a hidden message. For a single red rose, it’s “the only love,” for 99 roses, it’s “love forever,” and for 108 flowers, it’s “Will you marry me?”.

These were the top 10 Valentine’s Day Around the World. If your country celebrates the day of love in a unique way, too, reach out on Instagram and share your story!

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