The legal troubles of Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa seem far from over. After spending nearly six months in jail, the actor, who was granted regular bail on December 13, may face arrest again. The Karnataka government is reportedly gearing up to challenge his bail in the Supreme Court.
Case Background
Darshan Thoogudeepa and co-accused Pavitra Gowda were arrested on June 11, 2024, in connection with the brutal murder of Renuka Swamy. The incident dates back to June 9, 2024, when Darshan, Pavitra, and others were allegedly involved in Swamy’s murder. The motive, as per media reports, stemmed from Swamy’s displeasure with Darshan and Pavitra’s relationship.
Swamy, a devoted fan of Darshan, was reportedly unhappy about the actor’s live-in relationship with Pavitra Gowda, as Darshan is married. Swamy had even warned Pavitra to distance herself from Darshan. This friction allegedly culminated in Swamy’s murder.
Police Investigation and Charges
A 3,991-page chargesheet filed in September 2024 names Darshan Thoogudeepa, Pavitra Gowda, and 16 others as accused. The police investigation reveals that Swamy was brutally killed, and substantial evidence against the accused has been included in the chargesheet.
Next Legal Steps
With the investigation completed, the case is now awaiting trial. Meanwhile, the Karnataka government is preparing to file a petition in the Supreme Court, seeking to revoke the bail granted to Darshan and the other accused. The court’s decision could significantly impact the actor’s future.