The grand 144-year Mahakumbh has been abuzz with controversies, from viral videos to high-profile discussions. Among the most talked-about figures was IITian Baba, whose real name is Abhay Singh. Known for his unique journey from an IIT graduate to a spiritual path, he was a part of the prestigious Juna Akhara until recently.
Expulsion Shocks Devotees
In a shocking turn of events, IITian Baba has been expelled from the Juna Akhara. Reports suggest that he disrespected Saint Someshwar Puri, a senior spiritual leader, and made inappropriate statements in the media. This incident has left devotees and Akhara members stunned.
No Chance to Correct Mistakes
Sources reveal that IITian Baba was not given any opportunity to amend his actions. Initially, he was moved from one camp to another, but his repeated disrespect towards Saint Someshwar Puri led to accusations of violating spiritual traditions. As a result, he was immediately expelled.
Inappropriate Behavior
According to reports, Abhay Singh was found indulging in inappropriate behavior, allegedly under the influence of alcohol. It is claimed that he not only insulted saints but also spoke ill of his parents. Following this, the Akhara decided to sever ties with him permanently.
Baba’s Defense
Responding to the allegations, IITian Baba claimed that his Guru, Someshwar Puri, was envious of his popularity and conspired to have him ousted. He stated that his expulsion was pre-planned and unjustified.
Post-expulsion, IITian Baba will no longer be associated with Juna Akhara’s events or identify himself as its member. This incident has sparked debates about discipline and accountability within spiritual organizations.