The Mahakumbh 2025 in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, commenced with grandeur on January 14, with over 1.5 crore devotees taking a holy dip in the Ganges. Amid the spiritual fervor, a young sadhvi named Harsha Richhariya has become the talk of social media, capturing attention for her striking appearance and viral videos.
Dubbed the “most beautiful sadhvi of Mahakumbh 2025,” Harsha’s videos in bold green attire have drawn widespread reactions online. While many admire her beauty, others question her authenticity as a sadhvi, alleging that her attire and demeanor do not align with traditional ascetic values.
Harsha Richhariya, known for hosting high-profile events and appearing in films like Ajmer 92, has refuted these claims. She asserts her identity as a disciple of Acharya Mahamandaleshwar and reveals that she has been living as a sadhvi for the past two years.
However, skepticism surrounds her claims. Social media users have pointed out that her Instagram profile showcases her hosting a destination wedding in Bangkok just two months ago. This has led many to speculate that her sadhvi persona might be a ploy to boost her fan following.
Despite the controversy, Harsha continues to receive praise for her elegance and charisma. She has openly declared her spiritual journey and her association with Uttarakhand. Whether or not her past aligns with her current role, Harsha remains one of the most talked-about figures at Mahakumbh 2025.