Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh became parents of a daughter just a few days ago. A daughter was born at their home on 8 September. Ever since Deepika gave birth to a baby girl, fans have been desperate to get a glimpse of their little angel. Meanwhile, Deepika has shared a story, in which she has shown a glimpse of her motherhood life.
Before Deepika’s pregnancy, Ranveer had said in an interview that whenever he has a child, she wants it to be a daughter and look like Deepika. Ranveer’s wish was fulfilled on 8th September, when Lakshmi was born in his house. At the same time, Deepika was discharged from the hospital a week after delivery, in which she was seen holding her baby girl in her lap. Now she has posted a new video.
Deepika shared this video
Deepika has shared a short video on Instagram, in which she has told how her life has changed after becoming a mother. In the video, a woman shows how strange it would look when a mother starts eating like a newborn. The clip also shows that the babies will be hungry, but sometimes you will also fall asleep while feeding.
How much did Deepika’s life change after becoming a mother?
Earlier, Deepika had also changed her Instagram bio after the birth of her daughter. She wrote, “Feed.Burp.Sleep.Repeat.”
Deepika’s upcoming film
Although Deepika Padukone is on maternity leave till March 2025, but after becoming a mother, her film ‘Singham Again’ will be released this Diwali. She will be seen in the role of a cop in this movie.
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