South superstar Nagarjuna has recently recorded his statement in a 100 crore defamation case. He appeared in court with his son Naga Chaitanya and his wife Amala. The case involves Telangana Minister Konda Surekha, who made controversial remarks about Naga Chaitanya’s 2021 divorce from actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu, alleging that BRS leader K.T. Rama Rao was responsible for the split. This statement sparked outrage in the film industry and led to a major legal battle.
Actor Appears at Nampally Court
Nagarjuna, accompanied by his wife Amala and son Naga Chaitanya, appeared in Nampally Court to record his statement. According to sources, the actor has filed a defamation case under Section 356 of the Indian Penal Code, demanding 100 crore in damages. The case accuses Minister Konda Surekha of making defamatory statements that harmed the family’s reputation.
Hyderabad, Telangana: Actor Nagarjuna Akkineni, along with his wife Amala and son Nag Chaitanya, appeared at the Nampally Court to record his statement in the criminal defamation case he filed against Minister Konda Surekha
— IANS (@ians_india) October 8, 2024
Minister’s Controversial Comments
Telangana Minister Konda Surekha had publicly blamed BRS leader K.T. Rama Rao for Chaitanya and Samantha’s divorce, which took place in 2021. Her remarks created a stir in the Telugu film industry and were met with widespread criticism. Following public backlash, the minister later retracted her statement.
Family’s Reaction to the Comments
Both Naga Chaitanya and Samantha Ruth Prabhu expressed strong disapproval of the minister’s comments, clarifying that their divorce was mutual and had no external influence. In his legal complaint, Nagarjuna emphasized that the minister’s remarks caused significant damage to his family’s reputation. Naga Chaitanya also voiced his concerns on social media, condemning the interference in his personal life.
The family’s united front in court demonstrated their support for Nagarjuna, who expressed his commitment to protecting his family’s dignity. He stated that public comments on private matters are unacceptable and vowed to take the necessary steps to restore his family’s honor.
Reaction from the Telugu Film Industry
The controversy has also drawn reactions from various figures within the Telugu film industry. Many actors and filmmakers have criticized the minister’s statements, arguing that such disputes invade the privacy of celebrities and disrupt their personal lives. Several prominent names from the industry have voiced their support for Nagarjuna, highlighting that this issue extends beyond his family and affects the entire film fraternity.
Allegations of Money Laundering and Property Dispute
Apart from the defamation case, Nagarjuna is also facing other legal challenges. He is currently embroiled in a property dispute, with accusations that he ordered a demolition on a disputed property. Additionally, there are allegations of money laundering related to the same property. This has added further complexity to the actor’s ongoing legal battles.
Nagarjuna’s recent court appearance marks a significant development in his fight to defend his family’s reputation, with the case set to draw more attention from the media and the public in the coming days.