Telugu cinema’s iconic actor Pawan Kalyan has finally opened up about the recent stampede incident involving fans of Pushpa 2 star Allu Arjun. The controversy, which has been the talk of the town, raised concerns about fan management at promotional events.
During an interaction with media outlets, Pawan Kalyan expressed his disappointment over the blame solely directed at Allu Arjun. He stated, “It is unfair to hold just one person responsible. Several factors contribute to such incidents, and we should address them collectively instead of pointing fingers at individuals.”
The controversy began when fans gathered in massive numbers for a Pushpa 2-related event, leading to overcrowding and unfortunate casualties. While many blamed Allu Arjun for his stardom drawing uncontrollable crowds, Pawan Kalyan’s balanced stance has shifted the narrative.
Fans of both stars have expressed mixed reactions. Some agree with Pawan Kalyan’s call for a nuanced discussion, while others continue to debate the responsibilities of celebrities in such situations.
This development highlights the growing need for proper event management in the film industry to ensure fan safety during high-profile promotions.