Pragya Nagra, a renowned actress in the Malayalam film industry, made headlines recently after her MMS video was leaked online. However, her new video has quickly gained immense popularity, going viral across social media platforms. In this video, she looks absolutely stunning in a blue suit, effortlessly posing in various graceful ways. At times, she is seen enjoying a swing, while at other moments, she gracefully twirls her dupatta, capturing the attention of her followers.
The video has already accumulated more than 59,000 likes and continues to receive a steady stream of attention. This comes shortly after a private video of the actress was leaked, sparking controversy. Pragya, however, took immediate legal action and declared the leaked video to be fake.
Pragya hails from a Punjabi family in Haryana but has carved a successful niche in the South Indian film industry, particularly in Malayalam and Tamil cinema. She is known for her remarkable acting skills and has become a beloved figure in these industries. In terms of her educational background, she completed engineering in Delhi before transitioning to modeling.