A late-night attack at Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan’s residence has left the film industry in shock. The chilling visuals released show Kareena Kapoor Khan visibly distressed, trying to assess the situation with her staff. Fans flooded social media with prayers and concern for Saif’s recovery.
As per reports, Saif underwent neurosurgery after a sharp object, suspected to be part of a knife, was removed from his body. Additionally, cosmetic surgery is being carried out to treat the injuries. The house help was also hurt during the incident but sustained minor injuries.
Initial investigations revealed a possible breach through a duct leading to the bedroom. Sources suggest that the attackers used this route to enter the house.
An official statement from Saif and Kareena’s team confirmed that the attack occurred between 2:30 and 3:00 AM. It detailed that Saif was injured while defending himself from the intruders and was rushed to the hospital. Currently, doctors are closely monitoring his condition.
Stay tuned for updates on Saif Ali Khan’s health and the ongoing investigation into this shocking incident.