Prem’s Declaration Fuels Drama: In the popular TV show Anupama, the ongoing tension between sisters Rahi and Mahi intensifies due to Prem’s unexpected actions. In a recent episode, Anupama leaves the Kapadia house after a confrontation with Rahi, while the family celebrates Ansh’s birthday. During the party, Mahi faces trouble when some guests misbehave with her. Prem steps in, protects her, and declares Mahi as his girlfriend to deter the troublemakers. This declaration leaves Mahi elated but sparks jealousy in Rahi.
Conflict Over Anupama’s Diary
Rahi visits Prem at home to discuss a personal matter, which further aggravates Mahi. An accidental mishap involving Rahi’s bag leads to a heated argument between the sisters over Anupama’s diary. The tension hints at deeper insecurities and unresolved emotions between the siblings.
Rahi and Prem’s Long Drive
In an effort to ease Rahi’s stress, Prem takes her out for a long drive. Their conversation turns emotional as Rahi breaks down, fearing blame if Anupama returns. Comforted by Prem, she finally feels at peace. As Prem drives, Rahi leans on his shoulder and closes her eyes, experiencing a rare moment of calm.
Mahi’s Growing Restlessness
Back at home, Mahi grows anxious thinking about Prem and Rahi. She seeks solace by playing with a worker’s daughter but becomes more agitated upon learning about Prem and Rahi’s outing. Mahi’s jealousy takes over as she repeatedly tries to call Prem, but his phone remains unreachable due to network issues.
Trouble on the Road
While returning from their outing, Prem and Rahi’s car breaks down on a deserted road late at night. With no phone network to call for help, they find themselves stranded. Meanwhile, Mahi’s growing frustration over not being able to reach Prem adds to the suspense. The next episode promises an intriguing turn of events.
Stay tuned for the upcoming drama in Anupama!