In the popular TV show Anupamaa, the upcoming episodes will showcase major drama revolving around love, relationships, and heartbreak. Rahi, overwhelmed by her emotions, decides to confess her love to Prem. However, things take a shocking turn when Anupamaa discovers that Mahi is also madly in love with Prem.
The episode begins with Prem returning home injured after being attacked by goons. His condition worries everyone in Krishna Kunj. Seeing Prem hurt, Rahi feels guilty and attempts to get closer to him. Meanwhile, Anupamaa receives a big catering order for her kitchen, and preparations begin in full swing.
However, an emotional fallout occurs when Prem, feeling hurt by Rahi, decides to leave the house. Despite the family’s efforts to stop him, he walks away with a heavy heart. Determined to seek justice, Rahi confronts the goons, while Mahi insists that Anupamaa bring Prem back. This situation leaves Anupamaa torn between her two daughters’ emotions.
Rahi’s Bold Confession
In a dramatic moment, Rahi shouts, “I got my answer! I love you, Prem!” She rushes to Anupamaa to share something important. Before Rahi can speak, Anupamaa reveals that she needs to talk to Prem about Mahi’s feelings. Rahi is thrilled, believing her mother will finally help her with Prem.
Mahi’s Love Shocks Rahi
Anupamaa drops a bombshell, telling Rahi that Mahi has fallen deeply in love with Prem. This revelation leaves Rahi stunned and speechless. She realizes the complexity of the situation when Anupamaa remarks, “Whoever Kanha Ji’s shadow touches becomes Radha on their own.”
Anupamaa’s Advice to Rahi
Anupamaa advises Rahi to speak to Prem about Mahi’s feelings. This leaves Rahi heartbroken and unable to share her emotions with her mother. She leaves in tears, creating suspense about what happens next.
In the coming episodes, viewers will witness intense emotional drama as Anupamaa tries to handle the situation. Will Rahi confess her love to Prem, or will she stay silent? How will Anupamaa resolve the love triangle involving her daughters and Prem?