The latest buzz in the Bigg Boss 18 house revolves around relationships and friendships, stirring conversations among contestants and viewers alike. During the last Weekend Ka Vaar, host Salman Khan brought up speculations about Eisha Singh and Shalin Bhanot being more than friends. Eisha was quick to deny the claims, explaining they shared a strong friendship. She emphasized that they were close but nothing romantic was brewing between them.
In yesterda’s episode, a discussion unfolded among Rajat Dalal, Kashish Kapoor, and Chaahat Pandey. Kashish commented on the dynamic between Avinash Mishra and Eisha Singh, suggesting their closeness seemed unusual for mere best friends. Rajat, curious about the speculation, asked if Salman’s comments about Shalin were accurate. Chaahat responded with a remark implying that Shalin had previously been linked with another actress from the show. Rajat pushed further, questioning if that relationship lasted beyond the show. Rajat even questioned Eisha and Avinash’s bond suggesting despite the mention of Shalin’s name these two as indifferent.
The topic then shifted to Eisha and Avinash. Kashish shared her personal belief that male and female friendships have boundaries. She felt that while close friendships were possible, a certain level of distance was natural. Her observations seemed to add fuel to the ongoing debates about Eisha and Avinash’s bond.
Salman had earlier revealed a moment when Eisha confided in Shilpa Shirodkar about having someone special outside the show. Eisha dismissed the comment as a joke, claiming she had several close friends. Salman, however, reminded her of the confession and suggested clarity was necessary. Eisha finally admitted she wasn’t in a committed relationship, asserting her bond with Shalin was purely platonic.
Edin Rose Steps In: Defending Kashish Kapoor Amid Controversy
Meanwhile, Edin Rose, a former contestant, has stepped in to defend her friend Kashish Kapoor amidst the controversy. Known for her candid personality, Edin shared a heartfelt note on social media, addressing the criticism Kashish faced after her altercation with Salman Khan. She clarified that Kashish had never shown genuine romantic interest in Avinash Mishra. According to Edin, their interactions, including a poolside moment, were harmless and limited to light flirting.
Edin also debunked the idea of Kashish seeking a romantic angle with Avinash. She explained that Kashish merely admired him but never pursued anything further. Reflecting on their time in the house, Edin stated that Kashish and Avinash rarely spent time together. If either had wanted to create a romantic storyline, much more could have been done.
Calling out the negativity directed at Kashish, Edin urged people to reconsider their harsh words. She pointed out that both Kashish and Avinash were unfairly targeted despite being innocent in this situation. Edin concluded by encouraging Kashish to remain strong, highlighting the importance of staying true to oneself amidst criticism.
As the dynamics inside the Bigg Boss house evolve, friendships and speculations continue to dominate the narrative. With emotions running high and alliances being tested, the journey to the finale promises more unexpected twists and heated confrontations.