Television actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee, popularly known as ‘Gopi Bahu,’ is pregnant, and this time it’s no rumor. The actress herself shared this joyous news with her fans. Devoleena took to Instagram to share some pictures and reveal the good news in a special way. She also mentioned that a special ceremony was held to mark this new chapter in her life.
Devoleena posted several photos on Instagram featuring her husband Shahnawaz Shaikh and their family. The pictures were from a sacred Panchamrit ritual, attended by close family members and friends. In the first photo, Devoleena is seen posing with her husband, holding a baby outfit that reads, “You can stop asking now.”
In the caption, Devoleena wrote, “Celebrate the divine journey of motherhood with the sacred Panchamrit ritual, where tradition and love come together to bless the mother and her unborn child with health, prosperity, and happiness during this beautiful chapter of life.”
It’s worth noting that fans had previously speculated about Devoleena’s pregnancy after noticing a baby bump in her photos. However, the actress had taken to Instagram Stories to clear the air, asking people not to bother her. She had written, “Many people have been messaging me for a long time about my pregnancy and creating news about it. I assure you that when I feel ready to share such news, I will do so myself. For now, please do not trouble me.”