The Bigg Boss 18 house recently turned into a whirlwind of emotions as the contestants welcomed their family members. Among all the heartfelt moments, Chaahat Pandey’s mother stole the spotlight with her fiery remarks about Avinash Mishra, Rajat Dalal, and Eisha Singh during the episode. Her candid opinions sparked discussions both inside and outside the house.
Sitting in the garden area with her daughter and Kashish Kapoor, Chaahat’s mother did not hold back. When Kashish brought up whether Eisha Singh and Avinash Mishra enjoyed the limelight during the recent Weekend Ka Vaar, Chaahat expressed her view. She mentioned that their bond naturally drew attention, comparing it to a husband-and-wife dynamic.
Adding to this, Chaahat’s mother voiced her perspective on Eisha’s strategy in the house. She remarked that Eisha lacked genuine public support and suggested that her presence was sustained only by the show’s backing. She sharply stated, “Eisha ka public support kuch nahi hai, agar Bigg Boss support na kare toh ek hafta na teeke wo.” Kashish Kapoor agreed, pointing out that Eisha’s journey relied heavily on Bigg Boss’s favor.
The episode took a more dramatic turn when Chaahat’s mother shifted her focus to a viral video involving Avinash and Eisha. She described a scene, “Ek video hain jisme Avinash leta hain palang pe aur Eisha uske upar gir rahi hain aur kaat rahi hain yaha pe (points at her neck), gale ko kaat rahi hain.” Her vivid recounting of the incident left Kashish and Chaahat in shock, further escalating the tension surrounding the topic.
Before entering the house, Chaahat’s mother had spoken openly about her thoughts on Eisha’s behavior. She believed that Eisha had created a fake love angle with Avinash for the sake of staying relevant on the show. Referring to the standards set by reality TV, she highlighted how such tactics often garnered attention. She further questioned Eisha’s character, emphasizing how actions under the watchful eye of 200 cameras could reflect deeper truths.
Once inside the house, her protective instincts were on full display. She warned Chaahat to avoid Avinash Mishra and Rajat Dalal entirely. Her firm advice was Chaahat should not engage with them, even professionally, regardless of the money offered.
The heated discussions didn’t stop there. Chaahat’s mother also addressed past instances where Eisha and Alice Kaushik reportedly made mean-spirited comments about her daughter. Referring to an incident involving Chaahat resting her head on Arfeen Khan’s shoulder, she criticized the remarks and highlighted the need for dignity and respect.
Her interactions with Rajat Dalal were no less intense. She took the opportunity to confront him about his behavior toward Chaahat, offering stern feedback that left no room for ambiguity.
Throughout the episode, Chaahat’s mother proved to be a strong advocate for her daughter, unapologetically standing up against those she believed had wronged her. Her arrival not only brought a wave of drama but also showcased the lengths to which a mother will go to protect her child. As the house continues to buzz with reactions, viewers are left wondering how these fiery exchanges will impact the dynamics moving forward.