The television industry often witnesses dramatic twists, both on and off-screen. Recently, Rajan Shahi, the producer of hit shows like Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai and Anupamaa, found himself in the spotlight after making bold decisions regarding his cast. Overnight, Pratiksha Honmukhe and Shehzada Dhami were replaced in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. Rohit Purohit and Garvita Sadhwani took over their roles. Months later, Alisha Parveen was removed from Anupamaa, sparking curiosity and speculation. Shahi has now opened up about these decisions.
Speaking on The Ashoke Pandit Show, Shahi explained his stance on maintaining discipline on set. He emphasized, “Nobody is above the show.” He shared that broadcasters trust him to safeguard their investments. If he notices misconduct, he won’t hesitate to act, even if it involves letting go of key actors.
Discussing the termination of Pratiksha and Shehzada, Shahi revealed the decision wasn’t taken lightly. He admitted significant time and effort went into grooming the actors. However, their behavior left no choice. He mentioned they were disrespectful to crew members, including the hairdresser, makeup artist, and associate director. For him, such conduct was unacceptable. He refrained from discussing the matter further, saying the controversy had already gained too much attention.
Reflecting on Alisha Parveen’s departure from Anupamaa, Shahi maintained a reserved approach. While he chose not to elaborate, he stressed the importance of preserving the actor’s dignity. Alisha joined Anupamaa in October 2024 as Rahi, a pivotal character introduced after a 15-year leap. Just two months later, in December, news of her exit surfaced. Alisha shared that she was removed without prior notice, leaving fans surprised.
In response to these terminations, actors expressed their discontent. Shehzada Dhami shared a cryptic message on Instagram, hinting at his disagreement with Shahi’s decisions. His post read, “Are koi isko doctor ke pass le ke jao yaar.” Arjit Taneja, currently starring in Kaise Muhe Tum Mil Gaye, also voiced his concerns. Commenting on social media, he questioned Shahi’s credibility. He wrote, “How come all the actors are wrong, and he is a saint? Actors are an easy target, and this guy is GOD!”
While Shahi refrained from directly addressing these remarks, he reiterated his reasons for replacing the fourth-generation leads in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. He stood firm on his decision, emphasizing the importance of respect on set. Disrespect towards crew members, he said, couldn’t be tolerated under any circumstances.
Shahi acknowledged that replacing actors isn’t ideal, especially after investing in their development. However, he believes the show’s integrity must come first. The broadcasters, he added, trust him to make tough calls when needed.
The controversy has sparked debate within the industry, with opinions divided. While some admire Shahi’s commitment to professionalism, others criticize the lack of transparency in such decisions. For now, Shahi remains focused on delivering quality content, standing by his belief that no one individual is bigger than the show itself.