In the upcoming episode of “Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai,” Ruhi is set to make a comeback to the Poddar House, leading to Rohit distancing himself from Armaan once again. The Poddar family will also receive the shocking news of Abhira’s death. Is Ruhi back with a new agenda?
The show “Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai” has been capturing the audience’s attention with its intriguing twists and high-voltage drama. The upcoming episode promises to bring a new and explosive drama, which has already become the talk of the town after today’s episode.
So far, we’ve seen Abhira trying her best to reunite the two brothers. Meanwhile, Ruhi had decided to leave everything behind and move to America, but later changes her plan and doesn’t divorce Rohit. Ruhi’s sudden return to the Poddar family leaves Abhira and Armaan troubled.
Ruhi’s Comeback as a Villain
In the upcoming episode, Ruhi will return to the Poddar House, causing Rohit even more distress as her presence constantly reminds him of her betrayal. Ruhi tries to talk to Rohit and asks him to give their marriage another chance. Although Rohit remains silent, Ruhi’s tears and expression of love melt his heart. Despite knowing about Ruhi’s love for Armaan, Rohit decides to give her another chance. This time, Ruhi is back to ruin Armaan and Abhira’s lives.
Ruhi Will Betray This Person
Abhira is shocked by Ruhi’s return and tells Armaan that she is definitely up to something that will not only trouble both of them but also Rohit. Ruhi seems to be ready to betray her husband Rohit in her quest to win over Armaan. Ruhi’s return has a hidden agenda. Ultimately, Rohit agrees to give their marriage another chance. So far in the show, we have seen Ruhi informing Armaan about her decision to move to the USA.
Celebration at Abhira’s In-laws
Armaan reveals that Vidya advised Ruhi to give Rohit another chance. Abhira and Armaan meet Ruhi at the outhouse, which gives them a huge shock. Meanwhile, Kaviri’s friend comes to the Poddar House to invite everyone for the Mangala Gauri Puja. The entire family is set to come together once again in the upcoming episode of “Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai.”