India’s First Celebrity MasterChef on TV: Sony TV’s Celebrity MasterChef has taken the Indian television audience by storm. The show features popular chefs like Vikas Khanna, Ranveer Brar, and Bollywood filmmaker Farah Khan as judges. The spotlight is on Vikas Khanna, who has made waves globally as one of the finest Indian chefs.
A Global Promoter of Indian Recipes
In a promo video shared by Sony LIV, Vikas Khanna shared his inspiring culinary journey. Farah Khan praised him for being one of the biggest promoters of Indian recipes worldwide. Known for his dedication to Indian cuisine, Vikas has ensured its flavors resonate across continents.
Achievements Reaching the White House
According to Farah Khan, Vikas Khanna holds 8 Michelin stars and stands shoulder-to-shoulder with chefs like Gordon Ramsay. Chef Ranveer Brar added that Vikas’s culinary achievements have even reached the White House. Reflecting on his college days, Vikas revealed that Indian food wasn’t taught in culinary schools, as the focus was primarily on French and Western cuisines.
Breaking Barriers and Building Success
Vikas shared how his decision to specialize in Indian cuisine initially cost him opportunities. He said, “I chose desi food, and they didn’t consider it worthy. But I decided it was time for Indian food to shine.” His perseverance paid off, and he went on to own the number-one reservation restaurant in the U.S. when Donald Trump was elected President.
Chef, Author, Filmmaker – A Multifaceted Personality
Beyond being a celebrated chef, Vikas Khanna is also a restaurant owner, cookbook author, and filmmaker. A judge on MasterChef India in the past, he currently resides in New York. Despite his professional success, Vikas has chosen to remain single. In an interview with Bombay Times, he revealed that his marriage plans fell through three times due to his career commitments, leading him to focus entirely on his passion.
Vikas Khanna’s journey exemplifies resilience and the power of staying true to one’s roots while aiming for global excellence.