The Moon is lemon shaped: The Moon is shaped like a lemon, with flattened poles and bulges on both the near and far side around its equator.
Source: Pexels
On Mercury a day is twice as long as a year. Technically, one Mercurian day lasts 59 Earth days, while a year lasts 88.
Source: Pexels
You could survive for a couple of minutes in a leaky spacesuit.
Source: Pexels
1 tsp of neutron star weighs the same as the human population.
Source: Google
Gamma-ray bursts can release more energy in 10 seconds than our Sun will in its entire life.
Source: Google
There are stars we will never be able to see. The first population of stars to form in the Universe are now too far away for us to ever hope of spying them.
Source Google
If Jupiter’s magnetic field were visible, it would appear bigger than the Moon
Source: Google
Black holes have theoretical opposites known as white holes.
Source: Google
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