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Exercises for a Sprained Ankle


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Ankle Alphabet: Sit on a couch or comfortable chair. Extend your leg out and trace the letters of the alphabet in the air with your big toe. If there’s no pain, you can repeat this 2 or 3 times. 

Source: Google

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Knee Motion: Sit in a chair with your foot flat on the floor. Keeping your foot on the floor, slowly move your knee from side to side for 2 to 3 minutes.


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Towel and Tissue Scrunches: Place a small towel on the floor in front of you while you sit in a hard chair. With your shoes and socks off, gently grab the towel with your toes, scrunch it up, and count to 5. Then release the towel and repeat.

Source: Google

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Towel Stretch: Sit on the floor with your leg stretched out in front of you. Wrap a towel or strap around the ball of your foot. Pull back on the towel so your toes move toward you. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. 

Source: Google

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One Leg Balance: With your hands on a wall, countertop, or chair back, lift up your good leg behind you so that your weight rests on the leg with the injured ankle. Try to hold this for 20 to 30 seconds.

Source: Google

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Elastic Band Pull: Tie your resistance band around a heavy object such as a desk or table leg. While sitting on the floor, hook your toes and upper foot into the band. Now, slowly pull your foot back towards you and return it to vertical position. 

Source: Google

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Ankle in: With the resistance band tied around a heavy object, hook the inside of your foot into the band. Now slowly move your foot inward against the resistance band and bring it back. Repeat 10 times, and build up to 20 times.

Source: Google

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Basic Balance: Stand on your injured foot, lift the other foot off the floor behind you, and try to maintain your balance. Use a countertop or chair back for support if you feel unsteady. Try to hold this for a few seconds at first. 

Source: Google

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