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Facts About Jupiter


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Jupiter is 2.5 times more massive than all of the other planets in the Solar System combined. 

Source: Pexels

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While it is true that, like a star, Jupiter is rich in hydrogen and helium, Jupiter does not have nearly enough mass to trigger a fusion reaction in its core.

Source: Google

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Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system.

Source: Googlle

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The clouds on Jupiter are only 50 km thick.

Source: Google

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This persistent anticyclonic storm (great red spot), which is located south of its equator, measures between 24,000 km in diameter and 12–14,000 km in height.

Source: Google

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Jupiter’s rings consist of three main segments – an inner torus of particles known as the halo, a relatively bright main ring, and an outer gossamer ring.

Source Google

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Jupiter’s magnetic field Is 14 times stronger than Earth’s.

Source: Pexels

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Jupiter has a 67 confirmed and named satellites. 

Source: Google

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