Named after the Roman God of war, Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system.
Source: Google
The red signature colour comes from the large amount of a chemical called iron oxide (or ‘rust’ as you might know it) in its rocks and soil.
Source: Google
Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar system after Mercury.
Source: Google
At the equator, temperatures can reach 20°C, but at its poles they can plummet to as low as -140°C.
Source: Google
Mars is home to the highest mountain in our solar system –– a volcano called Olympus Mons.
Source: Pexels
You could jump around three times higher on Mars than you can on Earth.
Source Pexels
Mars has two moons. One is called Phobos and the other Deimos.
Source: Pexels
A day on Mars is 24 hours and 37 minutes –– only a little bit longer than a day on our own planet.
Source: Google
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