Neptune is more than 30 times as far from the Sun as Earth.
Source: Google
A year on Neptune is equivalent to 164.81 Earth Years.
Source: Google
Neptune is an ice giant. It’s made up of dense “icy” materials, mainly water, methane and ammonia – above a small rocky core.
Source: Google
Neptune has at least five main rings and four more ring arcs, which are clumps of dust and rocks likely formed by the gravity of a nearby moon.
Source: Google
Neptune is named after the Roman God of the Sea.
Source: Pexels
Neptune’s largest moon Triton was discovered on October 10, 1846, by William Lassell, just 17 days after Galle discovered the planet.
Source Google
Neptune is made up of methane – the same gas that makes up some of our trumps. The type of methane on Neptune gives it its blue colour.
Source: Google
Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to have visited Neptune and no humans were on board.
Source: Google
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